Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Digital Fetal Monitor Strip

Review the output of a digital fetal monitor with your expert to give meaning to complex data.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Traditional MRI

Review an MRI with your expert, giving him the chance to mark-up and illustrate static imagery.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Interactive MRI

Uncover the nuances of diagnostic imagery with your expert by reviewing MRI's in a customized viewer.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Trucking Logbook

Demonstrate the significance of "small" discrepancies and details in a Trucker's logbook entries.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Crash Recreation

Walk through the physics and dynamics of a truck accident reconstruction video with your forensic engineer.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Corporate Records

Get straight to the most important parts of a document, eliminating wasted time and witness stall tactics.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Third Party Software

Utilize whatever software you prefer to present your exhibits, including OnPoint, TrialDirector & Summation.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Medical Records

Let the jury or mediator see the intricacies of your medical expert's opinion in the context of his testimony.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Google Maps

Explore the scene of a trucking accident with law enforcement, or visit HQ with a corporate representative.
Depo Samples
Incorporate digital exhibits and demonstrative evidence into your depo
Expert Reports

Go line-by-line with your witness through his or her expert report, highlighting the most important elements.