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Digital Demand Letters
You want to maximize the settlement value of your client’s case, while keeping costs down. You need to tell your client’s story in a compelling and comprehensive way. You can deliver your client’s demand to opposing counsel, mediators, judges, and even to your clients themselves. This powerful settlement tool is designed to facilitate a more effective and efficient mediation process. Minimize the need to present during mediation; spend that time advocating and negotiating on behalf of your client instead. You and your clients can rest assured that you have presented your demand as effectively as possible.

About Digital Demand Letters

OnPoint Digital Demand Letters are delivered in a format reminiscent of a traditional hard copy demand, but with the interactivity afforded by today’s technology and multimedia tools. Rather than deliver reams of paper with your demand and exhibits, you can submit a disc, or simply allow online access.

OnPoint Digital Demand Letters allow you to embed discovery and demonstrative assets directly into your demand! Embed photos, animations, deposition video clips, medical imagery, timelines and any other demonstrative or discovery assets right in-line! Don’t just refer to a medical record; show it, with call-outs. Don’t just point out the date of an accident to your audience; show photos from the scene. Don’t just quote your expert’s report; show it, and play the clip of your expert testifying in deposition.

Link multimedia assets such as documents, videos, images, and third-party software directly to the content of your letter, bringing it alive for your mediator, adjustors, opposing counsel and other interested parties.
How It Works

It’s easy to get started on an OnPoint Digital Demand Letter today! Call us or fill out our contact form today, and an RPL consultant will work with you from there.

we meet with you and your team, either in person or via web conference. You tell us about your case, and we collect all the necessary discovery and demonstrative items via our cloud.
we build the Digital Demand Letter based on input from you and your experts. You provide the text copy, firm graphics and other critical information. We attach discovery and demonstrative evidence to the Digital Demand Letter.
we post the Digital Demand Letter for you and your team to review. You tell us any stylistic or content changes you want us to make.
you use your OnPoint Digital Demand Letter to tell an effective story, and present your client’s best case!

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