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You're not only an attorney, you’re also a businessperson. You have to think about the bottom line every day, and strike a balance between attracting new business and working on your current case load. With RPL’s marketing services, we make it easier for you to focus on the latter.

We will help you build a marketing arsenal that combines new web technologies and standards, novel and highly effective video, mobile device interactivity, and the broad reach of social media and digital publishing.

We have worked with attorneys and firms directly, and also with their marketing and image consultants, so you can rest assured that we embrace your team and the message you want to convey. Whether you are trying to attract new clients or referrals, educate the public, or promote a cause, you can rely on RPL. We know lawyer marketing.

Social Media
Social Media is not just a way to waste time; it is a way that the world communicates, a way people interact, a way business is conducted. If you aren’t leveraging the power of social media to attract clients and enhance your presence and reputation, then your message is reaching only a fraction of those it could.

Our social media consultants work with you and your marketing professionals to establish pages, accounts and profiles. We link these to your website, and to each other. If you prefer to manage updates and posts internally, we can hand it off to your office; if you prefer that we manage updates and posts, our experienced consultants will regularly provide relevant and timely content to your channels.

We focus on, but are not limited to, the most widely recognized and utilized social media channels: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and RSS.
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